OPC-UA Basics#


How much should be in this chapter?

Are we only going to link to external references and skip explaining the OPC-UA basics? The open62541 documentation for example contains a lot of information about how OPC-UA works but in many chapters it also assumes the reader is interested in how the library works. Where do we need to start such that new users can later understand how the concepts of OPC-UA are represented by this library?

External References#


We are open to suggestions for this section! You know good tutorials, help pages, blogs or other resources? Share them with us!


Luckily the complete documentation about OPC-UA is available for free. As this is the official reference documentation, you will find links to this page in the source code of this package and also in this documentation where necessary.


Open Source (MPL v2.0) OPC UA stack implemented in C. If you need a library which runs on your embedded device have a look at it! Also the documentation is great and contains a lot of details about the architecture and datamodeling in OPC-UA.


Unified Automation provides different products for the OPC-UA ecosystem. Most of the tools are available as a free download with an evaluation license (non commercial use).